CHAOS;HEAD NOAH to Launch on Steam

Spike Chunsoft, Inc. today is pleased to announce the previously cancelled Steam release of CHAOS;HEAD NOAH will launch on Steam on October 7, 2022, PDT as originally planned.
The company received the following statement from Valve, the operator of Steam:
"Valve's content review team, the group that made the original decision, has re-examined CHAOS;HEAD NOAH and decided to reverse course and allow the game to ship on Steam, as is. We've also examined the process that led to the previous decision about CHAOS;HEAD NOAH, and made some changes to avoid situations like this in the future."
Spike Chunsoft also expressed its appreciation to fans with the following comment:
"We believe this decision is the result of the unwavering support from fans of the Science Adventure Series as well as all of the players who are eagerly awaiting the release of this title. Your voices have been heard. We sincerely appreciate your commitment. We look forward to your continued support of Spike Chunsoft and the Science Adventure Series."
For the latest updates be sure to follow Spike Chunsoft, Inc. on Twitter (@SpikeChunsoft_e), Facebook (@spikechunsoft.en), and Instagram (@spike_chunsoft_e).